Fishing for Success

By KIMBERLY ORREN • NAVIGATOR • MAY 2, 2017 “We are a Sea People, once described by Winston Churchill as the “world’s best small boatmen.” Yet an entire generation has come to adulthood since the cod moratorium. And those of us who may have grown up with our butts in a punt, Read more…

Living Heritage Podcast

By TERRA BARRETT • LIVING HERITAGE PODCAST • NOVEMBER 12, 2015 Terra Barrett of the Heritage Foundation and Kimberly Orren, founding director of Fishing for Success, had a grand gab back in November 2015 about what it means to start a not-for-profit to teach youth and tourists about our fishing heritage. Listen in Read more…

“Cod comeback”

By JAMES MCLEOD • TELEGRAM • AUGUST 13, 2015 Leo Hearn remembers fishing cod before 1992, and the sense of impending disaster, as the fish got smaller and more scarce. Hearn also remembers going fishing in the early years of the food fishery, and having a hard time finding fish. Read Article Read more…

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