Community Programs
Community programs are the heart and soul of Fishing for Success as we aim to bring real hands-on experiences to as many people as possible! With that being said, we are always looking for new ways to collaborate with local like-minded organizations. Please contact us, we would love to discuss new ideas with you!
Coming soon:

Looking for more experiential learning opportunities for youth? Look no further, we are currently creating a new program designed to fit into the NL curricula that will get youth all of ages excited! Keep an eye out as we are busy constructing the Sea2School webpage as well as a schoolhouse on our property!
Our Current Programs:

Girls Who Fish
Girls and women of any age 8-80+
Join us for a program taught by women for women, Fishing and food, art and culture – all about fish. We meet the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 1pm (subject to vary based on activities).
Annual registration fee is $50 each.

WiSH Program
We have a lot of newcomers to the province! The WISH Program teaches refugee women and children to our traditional skill set, here in Newfoundland. We learn to fish, fillet, weave, etc, twice per month.
Come Volunteer With Us!

Girl Guide Badges
Fishing for Success has group adventures aligned to Girl Guides of Canada activities to help your young girls earn their badges!
Join us for programs designed for your Sparks, Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders! Let’s get outside and discover our natural and cultural heritage. Badge activities are tweaked to reflect our local environment.
Can’t get out to Petty Harbour?
We’ll bring programming to you…

Scouts Badges
Fishing for Success has group adventures aligned to Scouts Canada activities to help your young people earn their badges – from Beaver to Rover!
We have indoor and outdoor activities, linked to our natural heritage- especially fishing. We can even specially design a camping or campfire outing just for your troop.
Can’t get out to Petty Harbour?
We’ll bring programming to you…

Tongue Cutters
Schedule a viewing of Tongue Cutters documentary, for your class, group, or troop!
A 9-year-old girl travels from Oslo to a northern Norwegian fishing village to learn the art of codfish tongue cutting.
Directed by Solveig Melkeraaen

Educational & Camp Programs
Bring #fishasfoodand #fishasculture to your students and camp-goers!
#fishasfood program may include be a fisherman, fishmaker, fishmonger, or cooking up your catch!
#fishascultureprogram may include fish painting, nets & knots, playing in the dory, and special screenings.
It’s about educating Newfoundland & Labrador youth about fish as a cultural food!